Muda, Mura, Muri (The Toyota 3M Model)
Through the Toyota Production System, the models Muda, Muri, and Mura emerged and are known as the three foils of a Lean Manufacturing System.
MUDA, waste, can be defined in eight types, 7 defined by Toyota and ‘non utilized skills’. These are Defects, Overproduction, Waiting, Non-used Talent, Transport, Inventories, Motion, and Excess processing. As a Mnemonic device, the first letters of these wastes form the acronym DOWNTIME (Panneman, 2017).
There are numerous tools available to identify and remove waste from your process, which include Poke Yoke, Kanban, Takt Time, SMED, and One-Piece Flow. The most common tool that helps to improve productivity by removing all 7 wastes, however, is 5S (Panneman, 2019). In the article Finding Muda (waste) in your process, each of the types of waste is described and linked to tools that can be used to eliminate them systematically.
MURI, overburden, can result from Mura, and from removing too much Muda (waste) from the process. When operators or machines are utilized for more than 100% to finish their tasks, they are overburdened. This means breakdowns when it comes to machines and absenteeism when it comes to employees. To optimize the use of machines and make sure they function properly, preventative- and autonomous maintenance can be implemented. To prevent overworked employees, safety should be the focus of all process designs and all standard work initiatives. For more information about Muri, go directly to the article: Finding Muri (overburden) in your process.
MURA, unevenness, can be found in fluctuation in customer demand, process times per product, or variation of cycle times for different operators. In production environments with low-volume, high-product variation, flexibility is more important than in high-volume, low-product variation environments. When Mura is not reduced, one increases the possibility for Muri and therefore Muda. Mura can be reduced by creating openness in the supply chain, changing product design, and creating standard work for all operators. These are described in the article: Finding Mura (variation) in your process.
The course will give an overview of the Model to facilitate an understanding of its usage, benefits, and concepts in detail.
Course Eligibility-
- MBAs / engineering graduates
- Diploma holders having experience in the manufacturing or service sector
- Shop floor workers of a manufacturing organization
- Industrial workers from a manufacturing organization
- Entrepreneurs