Master Production Scheduling and Material Requirement Planning




5.00 Hours.




About the Course:

Master Production Scheduling (MPS) is used to generate a master plan for what you need to produce, how much and when to produce it, based upon one’s supply and demand. Your open production orders, sales orders and forecast entries are used as finished goods demand, and your inventory levels, batch production jobs, and receipts are considered as supply.MPS accesses actual supply and demand data or uses forecast data across one or more plants, enabling it to generate more accurate production plans. Once planned production orders are analyzed and approved, Material Requirements Planning can be initiated to generate purchase orders.Material Requirements Planning (MRP) is used to generate a master plan for what you need to purchase, how much and when it is needed to meet your future batch production jobs.As an integrated module within the ERP product suite, MRP generates purchase order recommendations based upon future batch orders calculated by MPS.

MRP can convert these recommendations into actual raw material purchase orders that meet the economic order quantities (EOQ) and expected delivery times of preferred suppliers. Planning dashboards offer user-defined calendar views of planned production and purchase orders with drill down, analysis, grouping and rescheduling capabilities. Production and purchase orders can be assigned different statuses that govern their further processing, including an auto-conversion of orders to planned batch production jobs and purchase orders, respectively. Once created, MPS and MRP plans can be automatically refreshed to ensure their master plans are up to date, based upon the most current information.

Note: This 5 hours course can be completed in 3 months.


This course is for:

  • MBAs / engineering graduates
  • Diploma holders having experience in manufacturing or service sector
  • Shop floor workers of a manufacturing organization
  • Industrial workers from manufacturing organisation
  • Entrepreneurs


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