NICPP Level 0: Certified Project Professionals (CPP)




4.00 Hours.




Course Description: 

The 90-Minute Project Management Course, developed by the Quality Council of India (QCI), offers a condensed yet comprehensive overview of the essential principles and practices of project management. Designed as a synopsis of the training modules developed for Level 1 and Level 0 of the prestigious National Institute of Chartered Program/Project Professionals (NICPP) certification, this course provides participants with a solid foundation to manage projects across various industries effectively. 


Throughout this dynamic and engaging 90-minute session, participants will gain valuable insights into key project management concepts, tools, and techniques. The course is specifically tailored to fit the needs of busy professionals seeking to enhance their project management skills without committing to extensive training.


Course Highlights: 

  1. Introduction to Project Management: Understand the fundamentals of project management, including its significance, objectives, and the role of project managers in successful project execution.
  2. Project Initiation: Learn the critical steps involved, including defining project goals, identifying stakeholders, and conducting feasibility studies.
  3. Project Planning: Explore the art of project planning, encompassing scope definition, scheduling, resource allocation, risk assessment, and budgeting
  4. Project Execution: Dive into the execution phase, understanding how to lead teams, monitor progress, manage changes, and maintain effective communication.
  5. Project Monitoring and Control: Discover techniques to track performance, handle deviations, and ensure project deliverables align with stakeholder expectations.
  6. Project Closure: Learn the key aspects of closing a project, including documentation, evaluation, and knowledge transfer.
  7. Key Knowledge Components: Understand project management key knowledge components including, Risk Management, Project Finance, Role of Project Manager, and Work Break down structure.


Who Should Attend:

Aspiring project managers seeking to develop a strong foundation in project management principles. 

Professionals involved in project-related activities aim to improve their project execution capabilities. 

Individuals interested in pursuing NICPP certification and want an overview of the training modules.


By the end of the course, participants will have gained practical knowledge to initiate, plan, execute, and close projects efficiently. With the condensed format, the 90-Minute Project Management Course empowers learners to manage projects with confidence, making it an ideal learning opportunity for busy professionals looking to excel in their respective domains.