Food Safety and Standards Requirements for Water & Water-based Beverages

About the Course

The training is focused on the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulation (FSSR) of 2011, along with IS 10500 (2012): Drinking Water Standard for the Beverage Industry. This course aims to help stakeholders in the beverage industry understand and adhere to regulatory frameworks, including pertinent standards and processing requirements the course will also give an overview of Regulatory Compliance with the provisions of the relevant regulations applicable to Water & Water-based Beverages.

Compliance with this standard ensures that products meet regulatory requirements, minimizing risks from contaminants and ensuring consumer safety. Moreover, implementing standardized processes and practices enhances operational efficiency by reducing production errors and optimizing quality control measures.


Training Shall Broadly Cover

  • A structured & comprehensive interpretation of the regulatory standards relevant to the Beverage Industry
  • Overview of the relevant regulatory framework
  • Analysis of water and other essential parameters required in various Beverage products
  • Quality Control measures
  • Hygiene and safety protocols in the Beverage Industries
  • Essential requirements for testing for contaminants and toxins
  • Understanding of Packaging and Labeling requirements applicable to the BeverageIndustries
  • Dedicated ‘Question and Answer’ sessions to facilitate and provide participants with the opportunity to engage actively, seek clarification, and deepen their understanding through interactive dialogue
  • Exercises/Workshops with real-life scenarios to make the training session interactive and more engaging



There are no formal prerequisites for attending the Training ‘Food Safety and Standards Requirements for Water & Water-based Beverages. However, it is preferred if the participant has a fair knowledge of Food Products and Beverages.


Who Should Attend? 

This training course is aimed at stakeholders who are involved in Beverage Industries such as:

  • Stakeholders involved in Food Industry
  • Professionals engaged in the Beverage sector.
  • Laboratory Professionals
  • Quality professionals
  • Professional working in the Food Supply Chain.
  • Regulators
  • Retailers / Distributors
  • Trainers / Consultants /Auditors, etc. 

What’s included?

  • Learning materials
  • Certificate of participation (Certificate shall be issued as a ‘Soft Copy’ from our Training Portal. This certificate can be verified anytime from our website by entering its unique ID number or scanning the QR Code) 

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