Executive Program on Fundamentals Of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measurement and Reporting

About the Course

India being a major signatory to Paris Agreement has pledged towards the dire goal of achieving net zero carbon emission by the year 2070 at the meeting of CoP26. Indian corporates and businesses have a prominent role to play by taking strategic steps to decarbonize sectors, infrastructure, and various products they provide and deliver.  This Executive Program has been especially designed for developing basic understanding of key concepts of GHG emissions, International standards, reporting frameworks, emission factors, etc. This will also cover basics of internationally accepted GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, referring to ISO 14064 part-1 for GHG inventories.

Course Content

  • Climate risk and impact on businesses
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Concept
  • Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 GHG Emissions
  • Defining organisational boundaries
  • Identifying Emission Sources and Emission factor
  • Best Practices from GHG Protocol Corporate Standard
  • ISO 14064 part-1 for GHG inventories
  • Examples on GHG emission calculations

Course Duration

One day

Benefits of the Course

This Executive program is beneficial for corporate managers, management consultants, and financial analysts as GHG accounting and disclosure is increasingly important for all types of organisations.  This will provide basic skills for calculating business’s carbon footprint and analysing sources of emissions for taking steps for reduction.