Certificate Program on ESG & BRSR Reporting

Certificate Program on ESG & BRSR Reporting 



About the Course

In the current global scenario, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) aspects have become increasingly important for businesses. ESG is focused on considering the impact of an organisation’s actions on its environment and society and its commitment to good governance. Integrating ESG in business practices attracts socially responsible investors, enhances brand image and competitiveness. This course will provide an overview of global ESG Reporting Frameworks and Standards and also ESG standards mandated in India by regulators. It discusses key Environmental, Social and Governance aspects important for an organisation. This course will also cover ESG Roadmap comprising of ESG Policy, Materiality Assessment and Data Management. This course will help the professionals to understand important aspects of ESG, integration of ESG strategies and basics of ESG reporting. 

What Will you learn

This course has comprehensive coverage as follows -

  • Concept of ESG and Business Case for ESG
  • International ESG Standards/ Frameworks – United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Task Force on Climate Related Financials Disclosures (TCFD), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
  • National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC) by MCA
  • Fiduciary duty of directors - Section 166(3) of the Companies Act, 2013
  • Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) Framework by SEBI
  • BRSR lite for unlisted companies and MSMEs
  • ESG Concepts – Carbon Footprint, GHG Accounting, Waste Management, Environmental Impact Assessment, Sustainable Sourcing of Raw Materials, Employee Safety, Diversity and Inclusion, Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Anti Bribery, Product Life Cycle, Customer Value
  • ESG Policy, ESG Materiality Assessment and Data Management

Benefits of the Course

This course will help the participants to understand crucial ESG concepts and implications for businesses/ stakeholders, with basic knowledge of ESG reporting standards/ frameworks. This will help them to comprehend ESG materiality issues and key ESG concepts for enabling ESG adoption in their organisation.

Duration :  11- 12 Dec -23